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Call us for a FREE Consultation
(617) 846-4041
Whether you are just out of college, newly married or have been retired for many years, it is never too early or too late to have an estate plan. Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney can ensure that your assets will be protected and that they will one day pass to the people you wish.
Trusts are estate-planning tools that can help you manage property during life while ensuring a smooth transitions of affairs after death. We will help you to choose the right Trust for your needs and give you guidance on choosing a Trustee, tax implications of trusts and related issues.
The legal process of transferring of property upon a person's death is known as "Probate." Although probate customs and laws have changed over time, the purpose has remained much the same. People formalize their intentions as to the transfer of their property at the time of their death (typically with a will), their property is collected, certain debts are paid from the estate, and the property is distributed.
Our office also handles the administration of simple, as well as complex, multimillion-dollar estates.
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